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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Definition of Adolescent Reproductive Health

• References
Teenagers are defined as the transition from childhood to adulthood. Teen age limit according to WHO (the UN agency for global health) is 12 to 24 years. However if in the teenage years a person is married, he was classified in the adult or is no longer a teenager. Conversely, if the age is no longer a teenager but still dependent on parents (not independent), then put in groups of adolescents.
What is a reproduction?
In a simple reproduction comes from the word go back and re = production = create or produce, so reproduction has the meaning of human life in a process to produce offspring for the sake of preservation of life.
Reproductive Health apasih it?
REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH (kespro) is a prosperous state of physical, mental and social intact in all matters relating to the functions, roles and reproductive system (International Conference on Population and Development, 1994).
How service coverage?
The scope of reproductive health services:
• counseling and information on family planning (FP)
• pregnancy and childbirth services (including: a safe abortion services, newborn care / neonatal)
• treatment of reproductive tract infections (ISR) and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including the prevention of infertility
• Counselling and adolescent reproductive health (ARH)
• Counseling, information and education (IEC) on kespro
What's Adolescent Reproductive Health?
Adolescent reproductive health is a healthy condition concerning the system, function and reproductive processes owned by a teenager. Healthy sense here is not merely mean disease-free or free from defects but also mentally and socially healthy cultural.
Why Teens Need to Know Reproductive Health?
Adolescent reproductive health needs to know in order to have correct information about the reproductive process and the various factors that are nearby. With the right information, adolescents are expected to have the attitude and responsible behavior on the reproductive process.
Basic knowledge of what needs to be given to teenagers so they have a good reproductive health?
• The introduction of systems, processes and reproductive functions (aspects of adolescent growth and development)
• why young people need to mature the marriage age as well as how to plan pregnancies to be consistent with keinginnannya and her partner
• Sexually transmitted diseases and HIV / AIDS and its impact on reproductive health conditions
• Dangers of drugs and alcohol on reproductive health
• Influence of media on social and sexual behavior
• Sexual violence and how to avoid them
• float communication skills including the strengthening of confidence to be able to ward off the things that are negative
• Reproductive Rights
Anyone who should be Notified About Reproductive Health Information?
Reproductive process is a continuing process of descent that became a shared responsibility of men and women. Therefore both men and women should know and understand about the various aspects of reproductive health. Errors where more reproductive problems is the responsibility of women should not happen again

1 comment:

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